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November 15, 2017

We Caught a BIG ONE!!

Over the course of this past year, I have learned SOOOO MUCH!  I've done more math and science than I have since high school & college  (we'll just say "over 10 years ago" as not to disclose the fact that I have long since been out of school!) and experimented with so many different foams, resins and other composites that I had never even heard of before.  And you know what I've found... we can create ANYTHING (well just about anything!).  The Possibilities of fiberglass and foams is truly endless!  Take for example this 12+ foot tall Large Mouth Bass... this is a carved foam core, hard resin coated structure that we will be installing within a month for the great city of Eufaula, AL (which by the way, is the Large Mouth Bass Capital of the World).  They are in the process of laying out a cool splash pad and putting this "photo op" Bass at the entrance... How incredibly cool is that?!?  We will keep you posted as the artist begins tomorrow bringing this huge fish to life, and definitely will have footage of its' unveiling next month!  Check out our video

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